The first shot of the trailer instantly sets the scene for the film, showing the dark and gloomy landscape of Forks the small American town in which Stephanie Meyer chose to set her novel, Twilight. The way in which the clip is sped up, showing the fast motion of the clouds against the still and Serene countryside of the town could represent the fact that, although the setting of the film appears to be still and peaceful, it actually plays host to a fast paced and dramatic story line, the quiet landscape, mirrored in the audiences first impression of the beautiful vampires, is not all it seems to be. The first caption to inhabit the screen is the date on which the film will be released. All of the text shown through out the trailer appears in the same sparkling typography. This could be to represent the goodness and innocence of the female character Bella, in contrast with the supposedly dark nature of the vampire, Edward, which is represented by the impenetrable inky blackness which surrounds the words. This subtle reference could also represent the light which Bella has brought into a world which Edward had grown to despise.
The next few shots are simple and effective, showing quick cuts of a the two lead characters who, at first glance, seem perfectly normal. However as the scene progresses and more of the plot is revealed, it becomes clear that this is not just a simple romance film. The use of such fast editing as the action begins disorientates the audience and causes a rush of adrenaline, making the trailer seem dramatic and exiting. As the out of control vehicle spins towards the "damsel in distress" Edward rushes to her rescue. The way the image of him stopping the car flashes into negative colours, imprints the scene on the mind of the watch and emphasises it as a key point to the plot. The dramatic colours caused by this colour change seem bright and fiery, possibly representing danger. It could also signify the point in Bella's life when everything turns upside-down, and she is draw into the supposedly mythical world of Ware wolves and Vampires. The close-up shots of their faces, demonstrating how important Bella's reaction to the situation is make their emotions clear and illustrate how her character is not the typical "damsel in distress", but someone who will dive into the action headfirst and be keen to get to the bottom of the mystery around Edward's secretive life, despite the suggestion that there could be danger involved.