Sunday, 4 January 2009

Analysis of 28 Weeks Later

28 Weeks Later is the sequal to 28 Days Later and is even more scary.

It starts of in pitch black, then one of the characters lights a match to light a candel. We then see two characters talking and the man conforting his wife. There is lots of close-ups used in the opening scenes to show the characters facial expressions. These come across as very scared and lonely as when the camera zooms to a close-up shot of a picture of a family the characters start talking about their worry and how they mos their children. As they turn to face eachother to talk there is a use of over the shoulder shots to show their expressions to the dialogue used.

Next there is a master shot from the top of the stairs, which shows the rest of the characters which are stuck in this candel lite house, sitting at the table about to eat dinner. As they have their conversation the camera is hand held and has lots of quick cuts with medium close-ups of each character talking. This shows their emotions which are all scared from their current situation. Throughout there is dialogue and diagetic sound used.

All of a sudden there is a bang on the door and a little kid screaming for them to let him in. The camera is then hand-held and the shots move very quickly to show the tension between the characters and what they should do. as the man and women move to open the door the music starts to help build the tension and the hand-held camera makes the audience feel part of the action and as they can't clearly see what is happening in makes the situation very realistic and beliavable.

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