Friday, 9 January 2009

Analysis of Prom Night

Prom Night starts with a close-up of the characters face expressions in the car and shows the audience that she looks kind of sad and quiet. The camera is then static as the car pulls into the side of the road outside the main characters house where she gets out of the car and walks over to the front window. There is a series of two shots and shot/reverse shots used in this scene to show the dialogue of the conversation between the girl and the two people sitting in the front of the car. After she has said thank you for the life to the movies there is then an establishing long shot of her house with her walking down the path towards the front door. We can also tell it is night as it is dark outside from using the natural lighting to create realism.

Once inside there is a medium shot of the girl putting down her bag and keys and she then walks into her lounge looking for her parents. There is diagetic sound coming from the T.V which is playing in a dark room only lite by a few lamps. The darkness creates an eerie mood showing the audience that this is a horror genre. As there is a long shot of her walking out of the room the camera tilts into a mid-close up of her father daed on the floor.

The camera once again is static as she walks up the stairs and along the landing towards it and the cupboard. She puts her coat inside the cupboard where the audiences view is facing her as if they are inside the cupboard. Here there is diagetic sound of her movements of the coat- hanger. As she moves around the house the camera tracks behind her and sometimes jumps ahead of her so we can see where she is going to walk to and as she walks past it. As she enters another room there is a close-up of a bat she slips on. As she yells at her brother for leaving it there there is a meduim shot of him as she turns him over and a cut to her facial expressions of horror to find him dead. There's then a long shot of her backing out of the room only to hear the tourture of her mother being attacked. As hides under the bed where there is a close-up of her face to show here scared expressions and the murder attack of her mother right in front of her eyes. In this scene there is alot of extream close-ups of her eyes to show the tears streaming down her face.

There is then a jump cut to another location of the girl talking to a councillor about her terrifying dreams of that night.

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