Friday 23 April 2010

EVALUATION - Marketing Campaign and year 13

Our marketing campaign for the film Runaway had three elements; a teaser trailer, a main poster and a magazine front cover. In previous posts we have evaluated each other these individually, however we did think about the campaign as a whole when conducting our coursework. The teaser trailer gives away genre and narrative indicators but leaves the audience still asking questions about the plot of the film. We felt that this enigma was important as it was a teaser trailer. The poster is heavily linked with the trailer as we show the male character which a light and dark side - this adds enigma as from the trailer the audience will be confused about whether he is could or bad. The knife on the poster shows the genre of the film well and links with the trailer as knives are used in that also. The magazine cover draws an audience to it as it shows our male character in a tux - this relates a Hollywood image and tells the audience that it is a serious film. The font in which Runaway is written links the magazine to the rest of the campaign as it is red - this reminds the audience that there is danger in the film and makes then distrust the male character again.

We worked extremely hard with our marketing campaign and I am pleased with the results, I think the trailer, poster and magazine cover all link well together back they can also stand by themselves.

Throughout this year I am pleased with how our group has worked, we have all discussed our ideas and gave ourselves a number of options before deciding on our finale ideas. We each did a lot of research and planning to make sure we had sufficient knowledge about the conventions of teaser trailers, posters and magazine covers so that our coursework could look as professional as possible.

We did encounter problems throughout the year such as choosing a finale idea, however I think we should we could work well as a team as we were able to compromise so that everyone in the group was happy. The weather caused us to have to change scenes in our trailer, I think if we were able to still have those scenes our trailer would have more diversity as it would have more settings - I also think it would help it flow better. We had trouble finding the right sound effects, the ones which we have used are 'okay' but we would have liked the door knock to sound more menacing and the phone ring to sound more like a mobile phone. When making the poster and magazine cover we also encountered problems; I think that is we had more experience with using photoshop we could of made our products look a lot more professional and clean cut, we could of also added more effects. Also we made a mistake when filming our trailer, in all the bag packing scenes Jen has her hair down, then when she gets her passport she has her hair up. We only realised this later on in the editing stages and it was too late to re-film. Luckily when we have shown our trailer to our class mates, friends and family not one has noticed the continuity error. If I could do this product again I would find more realistic sound effects, add more settings and practise using photoshop so that our magazine and poster could look more professional.

Overall I am very pleased with what we have accomplished this year, I think we have produced an effective marketing campaign and worked well together as a group.


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