Tuesday 20 April 2010

EVALUATION - What I think we could have improved

One aspect of our trailer which could have been improved, as mentioned by several members of our audience, is that, for a teaser trailer, ours is rather long. We had planned originally to cut it down in terms of the flashbacks, and the amount of narrative which was given away. However, as part of our brief was to include features such as taglines, it was necessary to reveal at least some of the plot. We also felt that in order to draw the audience into the narrative, the trailer needed more content than simply the bag-packing scenes.

Something else which we would have changed if we had more time was the continuity error in one of the bag-packing scenes. In one shot Jen's hair was tied up and in the next it was down. However we concluded that since it was a different period of time she could have taken it down off screen whilst packing her bag. The contrast change of our flash back scenes also makes the quality of the shot look quite bad, however there was no other way of changing the lighting of the shot, short of filming it again, we therefore decided to leave it as it was. We also wanted to add in a sound effect each time the fade to white flash transition changed the shot to a flashback, however we could not find the sound we wanted as it does not have a specific name and so was hard to find. We thought it would be better to leave out this sound altogether than have a sound effect which didn't fit.

Another aspect of our planning and research which I think could have been improved upon was our collaboration in relation to joint planning and development. Had we had more time outside of lessons to meet as a group and post on the blog our joint research, our final piece may have been more polished and professional.

However, having said that we spend a large proportion of our free time over the past few months, working together in the media rooms over the trailer, poster and magazine cover. This has been made difficult due to full timetables and extra curricular activities, however, I think we pulled together well as a team in order to ensure that everyone had their say and input even on days when some of us were not available. Much time has also been spent individually at weekends and after school in order to ensure that our blog posting has been as informative and accurate as possible.

Lucy :)

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