Friday, 26 February 2010
RESEARCH & PLANNING - What are the features of a film poster?
protagonist - main character
title/font and branding e.g. toy story
eye catching straight forward features
invite you to ask questions about the narrative
release date
credits/official details - cast crew - director
tag line
Visual impact
title - prominent and clear
large eye catching images, clearly linked to genre, character, and setting
a tag line - catchy phrase or slogan about the film
name of the studio and production company or logo
DVD poster - often suggests extra features or awards
Teaser poster - released before the release of the film, offers little reference to narrative
Main poster - often dominated by one or two images - including key information, can be altered or changed during the campaign
e.g. the Harry Potter posters...

EVALUATION - Theories applied to our trailer

Claude Levi- Strauss – binary opposites which structure plays and texts.
Rolande Barthes – reader produces their own meaning expanding the text from their own knowledge.
Todorov – equilibrium, disequilibrium, realisation, attempt at repair, restoration of equilibrium.
RESEARCH & PLANNING - Posters Tag Lines
I thought has our film is about someone running away a good tag line would be about someone always being one step ahead of the game.
I found this website:
Here are a few I liked from here: Courage is one step ahead of fear
Quit while you're ahead
So other things i thought we could include in the tag line could be about deception, blind love, game (like cat and mouse), something to do with a knife, the trailer also shows the villain knocking on the door:
Walking the knife's edge
When your heart has been deceived your mind is silenced
Love can be the deadliest enemy
Deception favours those who are blinded by love
Don't forget to lock your door
Strangers are the only ones you can trust
Accidental betrayal
You stop, you die, you move and he'll see you
Fortune favours the wicked
Let the games begin
The rules have been broken
We will discuss our ideas in our lessons and hopefully come up with a catching (but also scary and effective) tag line.
RESEARCH & PLANNING - Pulp fiction poster

In class we started to analyse posters. Our group was given the 'Pulp Fiction' poster.
The unique selling points of this poster are that it is a Quentin Tarantino film, the poster also says what other work he has done (true romance and reseviour dogs), the high profile cast and the genre indicators.
The genre indicators are that Uma Thurman has a gun in front of her showing the audience that this film will contain crime and violence. She is smoking cigarettes and her body language is very confusing, she is lying on a bed with her head titled towards the camera (this could show a sexual part of the film) however her legs are crossed in a child like fashion which shows her to be innocent. The lamp in the background is off balance and the pillow is slanted, this could being trying to show how the film is different from other crime dramas and does not follow the genric conventions.
The poster is set out like a cheap trashy paperback novel, the creases in the cover show that it is old, however the creases in the bottom right hand corner show that the book have been read many times. The poster tries to look older than it actually is, like it is a film from the 70s, the font helps with this as it is old fashioned.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
learn your limits - which follows the concepts of boundaries and restrictions which relate to running away and the difficulties of escape.
Finding the truth is hard, facing it is harder - reference to Eric's discovery of what his brother is trying to do and Megan's realisation that Eric is trying to kill her
love can break more than the heart - referring to how their relationship could result in one of their deaths
broken rules are hard to follow - referring to the rules of relationships and the boundaries which Megan hits when she tries to run away and play it safe, and also the way in which Eric's brothers mind works as he tries to kill Megan.
Other ideas which i came up with are:
Hunted by the one person you thought you could trust
She thought the possession of knowledge would kill the mystery and excitement, how was she to know the lack of it would kill so much more?
who ever said no one can be in two places at once
It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows
Face the truth. Or run.
Fight or Flight
How can you run when there's no where to go?
every step she takes hes always one ahead
escaping is hard when your running from yourself
act on your instincts
deception in the name of love is a weakness of the heart
deception in the name of love is the worst kind
deception in the name of love breaks the heart
those blinded by love are easily deceived
walking the knife edge
love is deadly when it carries a weapon
live the nightmare
love favours the insecure
Lock. Your. Door
You cant run from your shadow
There is no escape
Locks don’t keep out revenge
Locks don’t stop the relentless
Our group will experiment with various phrases and discuss which we think fit the best with our film.
Lucy :)
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
RESEARCH & PLANNING - Harry Potter poster analysis

RESEARCH & PLANNING - Pulp Fiction- Link trailer to poster

RESEARCH & PLANNING - Pulp Fiction Trailer Analysis

There is then a series of short clips from the film, including dialogue to show the audience what this film’s narrative is about. Caption appears to engage directly with the audience and split up the storyline. There are captions saying ‘Loyalty’, ‘Betrayal’, ‘The Crime’, ‘You won’t know the facts…until you see the fiction.’ The trailer then has a voice over from a narrator naming all the characters along side showing clips of them, so the audience becomes familiar with all the well-known actors participating in this film. The title then appears on screen in big, bold, capital letters making it grab the audiences attention, and after another short clip of the two main characters the credits are shown.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
RESEARCH & PLANNING - Pulp Fiction Film Poster Analysis


- Title of the film/ font and branding- which is predominant and clear
- Date it comes out
- Producers name
- Directors name
- Actors names
- Credits
- It should indicate the genre of the film
- A tagline- catchy slogan/ phrase about the film
- Attention grabbing features and straightforward
- Large eyecatching image linked to the genre, characters and setting
- Positive reviews from critics and the star rating
- Awards Recieved
There are three main types of film posters. These include the 'teaser poster', the 'main poster' and the 'DVD poster'. The teaser posters are released prior to the the release of the film. They are vital for the films initial publicity and have little reference to the narrative of the film. The main poster is often dominated by one or two images, which include key written information. These posters can be changed and altered throughout the campaign. Lastly, the DVD poster aims to encourage the audience to own the film and will often allude to extra features or awards won.
It is important for film posters to have unique selling points (USP's), to give them the competitive edge and encourage their target audience to take interest in the film poster, and consequently going to watch the film. The ways in creating this USP is to include the well-known actors names in the poster. Their fans would take interest in their new films. Another is to include the Directors name or mention previous work he/she has done. Well established directors can have a great influence over who goes to watch their new films. An indication of the genre can be an USP. Individuals tend to have their favourite genre which they enjoy watching. When indicating the films genre on the poster it can tell you what type of film it will be and theresore whether you are likely to enjoy it or not.
Nikki Stock
Sunday, 14 February 2010
EVALUATION - Final Sound modifications

EVALUATION - Our film?
We tried to upload it on Friday but were unsuccessful, we will have to wait now until after half term to upload it onto the blog but it is done!!! We finished matching up the sound track and added in the sound effects. We added in one sound file of a phone ringing and then 3 door knocking sound files, we have repeated the door knock three times as we thought it added urgency and tension to our trailer.
We will post the trailer soon!!
Rach, Lucy, Nikki and Dale
Friday, 12 February 2010
EVALUATION - Is our film postmodern?
Thursday, 11 February 2010
RESEARCH & PLANNING - The bounty hunter - hybrid genre example
I found this trailer very interesting as it is a romantic comedy but it involves the main characters being shot at. Since starting this course I and other members of our group regularly check YouTube for new trailers for us to analyse and evaluate.
This film stars Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Jennifer Aniston is most known for her role in 'friends' and staring in romantic comedies, Gerard Butler has also been in romantic comedies but he has starred in Guy Ritchies British crime film 'Rocknrolla' and American crime action films such as 'gamer' and 'law abiding citizen'. This could be why they have chosen these actors for the roles in the film as then are then attracting both a female (romantic comedy fans) and male (action/crime fans) to go and see the film.
EVALUATION- Narrative of our film
I think our narrative for the teaser trailer is good as it shows all parts of the film, the equilibrium and then the disturbance. We hoped this will attract a wide audience to our film.
As shown below we have thought about the whole of our film and how it should end, we have included twists which should shock the audience and keep them interested throughout the film.
EVALUATION - Narrative theories

EVALUATION - The Genre Theory
PLANNING & RESEARCH - Plotline summary :D

- Megan is an average teenage girl of 19 who attends university, which is where she meets Eric, the male lead in our film. Megan and Eric start to date and after a few months have fallen in love.
- However after they have been going out for about a year Eric begins to act strangely, his personality changes and she is finding it increasingly difficult to contact him, even though when she speaks to him he seems to know everything shes been doing.
- Megan gets scared and tries to run away but he finds out and attacks her, even though she still doesn't know why.
- she manages to escape and contacts the police who eventually arrest him.
- Megan thinks she is safe and relaxes, but one night he comes back to her house and just as he is about to kill her another man who looks just like Eric bursts into the room.
- This second man desperately explains that he has just escaped from the police station and the man who is about to kill her is his twin brother.
- Eric had been trying to keep his brother a secret for years as he didn't want anyone to find out that his brother was mad and take him away. However one day his brother got so tired of being kept in the house he attacked Eric and locked him up, taking his place in society he planned to kill the girl Eric loved to get revenge.
- Eric is just trying to reason with his brother to put down the knife which he has them both cornered with when the police burst into the room, they are momentarily stunned by the two men standing before them and Eric's brother uses this split second to stab Eric in the chest.
- The police shoot the brother who dies instantly, shortly afterward Eric dies in Megan's arms.
This postmodern ending is a twist in what would have been a typical fairy tale. Other than this final moment our film follows the conventions of Vladimir Propps theory of Spheres of Action, with a Villain and Hero, whose reward would have been the Princess.
Lucy :)
EVALUATION - Todays Progress - Nearly finished!
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
EVALUATION - Narrative Analysis of Inception Teaser Trailer
- The girl getting dragged/ pulled away from the helicopter may be the 'princess' character, who needs saving from the disequilibrium in the narrative.
- The 'villain' could be the man who is in a fight down the twisting corridor and who is later seen in all black with a medium close-up shot.
- The 'false-hero' may be the man coughing up water, who is distracting the hero from his quest to conquer the difference between his mind and reality.
- Leonardo DiCaprio as the 'hero' as he is the main character and often portrays this hero character in other films he has been in.
- There was no start or end in the storyline of the trailer
- No established equilibrium at the beginning
- The progression of action events getting worse throughout the trailer as the editing speeds up
- The trailer starts with a view of the city and ends with one which is much denser and compact to show the view of this city has changed by the end of the film.
- A dawdle spins at the starts, then falls out of balance showing a disequilibrium
- There is a sense of mystery and a play with the mind
- Mysteries left unresolved- the girl getting dragged away, the audience won't know what will happen next.
- The time scenes are important
- The trailer shows the character in two states of mind- calm and then playing in action
- The mind vs reality- (this is very postmodern)
Nikki Stock
EVALUATION - Narrative Analysis

- the hero- who is on a quest
- the villain- opposes the hero
- the donor- helps the hero
- the dispatcher- starts the hero on his way
- the false hero- tempts the hero away from his quest
- the helper- helps the hero on his way
- the princess- reward for the hero
- the princess' father-rewards the hero
Levi-Strauss Binary opposites
He described the world in terms of opposites. Binary opposites are sets of opposite values which reveals the structure of the media texts. There is always the good vs the evil, light vs dark, day and night ect.
Barthes Enigma Code
He was interested in the concepts of negotiated meaning between the institution and the audience. He argues that the audience of a text can create new meanings from it, using their past experiences. This means that everyone takes different meanings from each text. The cultural context of consumption is just as important as the original content itself. He described texts as networks, which relates to the different was in which people consume texts and understand them in their own meanings.
He also thought of the enigma code. This is the mystery which hooks in the audience into watching the whole film, or finishing a book for the enigma to be resolved. This is very popular to be used in teaser trailers for films to attract the audience to watch the film in the cinema.
Todorov five stage narrative
He suggested that there was a five stage narrative in every media text. This starts with:
- the equilibrium- when everything is happy and normal
- a disruption of the equilibrium by an event- things start turning bad
- the realisation of this disrupted equilibrium- people know something bad is occurring
- the attempt to repair this damage of the disruption- hero tries to save the day
- the restoration of the equilibrium or a new equilibrium- back to normal and happy again
This is easy to identify the structure of the narrative with, and shows how many stories depend upon establishing how an equilibrium is disrupted to create a good story.
Nikki Stock
EVALUATION - Genre Theory
John Hartley said that "genres are agents of ideological closure - they limit the meaning-potential of a given text" This opinion applies to our trailer as we have been limited by our chosen genre. We have had to follow specific conventions of the thriller genre, such has building tension and mystery through editing, camera angles, a non diagetic soundtrack and diagetic sound effects. It is important for a thriller to have enigma not just in the teaser trailer but in the film itself;
"Thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action, and resourceful heroes who must thwart the plans of more powerful and better equipped villains."
Genre's give a set of expectations when the are attached to for example a film, the audience expects the film to follow a certain pattern and it to end in a particular out come. This is why hybrid genres are seem as postmodern as the audience has to mix the expectations of two or more genres, this gives the film a number of possible outcomes. In our trailer we have tried to follow the conventions of a thriller by showing both equilibrium and disequilibrium in the trailer, this shows how normal the female leads life was and then what it has become. This builds mystery for the audience as they do not know why her life has changed and as we have not shown the villain's face in the present sequences it creates enigma further.
The thriller genre has many subtypes, these are a few I have found on wikiepedia:
• Action thriller: This often includes a 'race against the clock', it contains lots of violence. It has elements of mystery films and crime films but these elements take a backseat to action. An example of an action thriller are anyone of the James Bond films. Our film has action thriller elements as it is a 'race against the clock' for the female lead as shown in the trailer(bag packing), there is also violence (knives).
• Conspiracy thriller: In which the hero/heroine confronts a large, powerful group of enemies whose true extent only he/she recognizes.An example of this is JFK. Our film has elements of this as only Megan knows what Eric is really like.
• Crime thriller: Is a hybrid type of both crime films and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminal(s) rather than a policeman. They focus on the action. An example is The Killing.
• Disaster thriller: Main conflict is due to some sort of natural/artificial disaster, an example is The Day after Tomorrow.
• Drama thriller: Story consists of the elements of a thriller and drama film. These films are usually slower paced and involves a great deal of character development along with plot twists. An example is The Interpreter
• Horror thriller: The main character is put in danger and his main enemies are unrealistic creatures in which he must destroy to achieve his goal.
• Erotic thriller: In which it consists of erotica and thriller. Examples are Basic Instinct, Dressed to Kill
• Legal thriller: In which the lawyer-heroes/heroines confront enemies outside, as well as inside, the courtroom and are in danger of losing not only their cases but their lives.
• Medical thriller: In which the hero/heroine are medical doctors/personnel working to solve an expanding medical problem.
• Political thriller: In which the hero/heroine must ensure the stability of the government that employs him.
• Psychological thriller: In which (until the often violent resolution) the conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional, rather than physical. For example some of the Alfred Hitchcock films
• Spy thriller: (also a subgenre of spy fiction): In which the hero is generally a government agent who must take violent action against agents of a rival government or (in recent years) terrorists.
• Techno-thriller: In which (typically military) technology is described in detail and made essential to the reader's/viewer's understanding of the plot.
• Religious thriller: In which the plot is closely connected to religious objects, institutions and questions.
Most thrillers are a combinations of those above. ^^^^^
Our trailer is a combinations also, it does include violence but is probably more about a psychological plot line than action.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
The typical characteristics of this thriller genre include:
- fast paces storyline
- frequent action occurring
- resourceful heroes, who thwart the plans of the more powerful, better equipped evil villains.
Thrillers often take place in exotic locations including:
- foreign cities
- deserts
- polar regions
- high seas
The heroes are usually "hard men" who are accustomed to danger such as:
- law enforcement officers
- spies
- soldiers
- seamen
- aviators
- ordinary citizens drawn into the danger by accident
Thrillers usually overlap with mystery and crime stories.
There are many sub-genres of thriller, these include:
- medical thriller
- conspiracy thriller
- political thriller
- crime thriller
- psychological thriller
- disaster thriller
- spy thriller
- drama thriller
- techno thriller
- erotic thriller
- science-fiction thriller
- legal thriller
- religious thriller
- action thriller
Our film matches this thriller genre as it has a fast paced storyline, with elements of good vs evil, and an unravelling mystery and twist in our narrative. It includes flashback sequences of the happy romantic times, and includes action, and a tragic death at the end.
Nikki Stock

Generic conventions:
• Costumes – victim innocent white clothes, villain dark clothing – dangerous, mysterious
• Tense music
• Exaggerated sound effects
• Weapons
• Disturbing images – confusing the audience
Our film:
• Megan wears white in some shots
• Eric dressed in dark colours
• Kitchen knife and pen knife are shown
• Tense sound track played throughout trailer
• Enhanced sound effect of door knock and mobile phone ring
Generic conventions:
• Fast editing – creates tension – dramatic effect
• Dark lighting, dark colours to show change from normal life
• Weather is bad (rainy etc)
• Unsettling shots
• Shots that don’t show everything – leave the audience guessing
Our films:
• Fast editing – with dramatic transitions
• Shows knives but audience doesn’t know what’s going to happen
• Screen flashes white when there is a flash back sequence
• Colour contrast of the flashback shots and the real time shots
Generic conventions:
• Everyday settings – normality
• Isolated setting?
• Can use anywhere
Our film:
• Family home – normal
• School/ university
Generic conventions:
• Mystery – don’t find out everything straight away
• Starts normal – gets worse
• Victim
• Villain
Our film:
• Shows the change in people, how they were (good) and how they are now (bad)
• Victim (Megan)
• Villain (Eric)
• Audience doesn’t know (understand) why Eric has changed
Generic conventions:
• Female victim, helpless – needs rescuing
• Male villain – in control
• Male hero – saves damsel
Our film:
• Female victim – she is the one running away
• Male Villain – he is in control, she is scared of him, at the end of the trailer without seeing him audience can see he has the upper hand
• Violence
• Psychological
• Crime
Our film:
• Knife - violence
• Eric is stalking Megan - psychological
Generic conventions:
• Thrillers – 12A plus general 15, gender: bit of both, mainly male
• Romance generally 12A, gender: typically female
• Horror 15 plus, gender: typically male
Our film:
• 15, gender: as hybrid genre appeals to both male and female
Generic conventions:
• Audience gets confused – has to think about plot
• Tense – unsettled
• Makes audience think about what is happening in the film
Our film:
• We want our audience to have to think about the plot of our film and be puzzled by it at some points
• Tense
• Unsettled
Monday, 8 February 2010
RESEARCH & PLANNING - Research and planing
• Questionnaire – we made a questionnaire to find out what our target audience thought of our genre, plot etc - this is an example of Qualitative data
• Interview with actors – we interviewed our actors to found out what they thought about our filming and the techniques used etc – this is an example of Qualitative data
• Facebook poll – this poll was made to find out what our audience thought was the best genre type for a film – this is an example of data Quantitative data
• Analysing trailers – we used YouTube to analyse trailers of different genres so that we could learn the generic conventions for a trailer of a particular genre. We found analysing trailers extremely helpful when planning our trailer. We have decided to use some bits of trailers and clips that we have seen in our own trailer for example: when the female lead drops her books in Freaky Friday, the transitions in Golden Compass, the bag backing scene in Twilight and the differences in colour contrast in Gilmore Girls
Secondary research:
• Google – get images, search for non copy right music, search for sound effects
• YouTube – searching for trailers so we could improve our film ideas and see new camera and transition techniques
• Freeplay – this is where our soundtrack is from – we looked at a lot of music both finding five that we thought fitted our trailer, we then narrowed it down to just two and our editing processed. We have now decided on the finale soundtrack
• OCR blog – I used this to find out information about the length of our trailer, there are common questions on here which were very helpful to us. It is from this blog that we got the idea to do a directors commentary
We found our storyboards very useful when filming, we tried to follow them as closely as we could but some extraneous varibles such as the weather causd us to move away from the slightly at some points. We have to change the outdown picnic scene to can indoor scene and the letter-post box scene to a university scene. We have however tried to keep the camera angles and shot transitions etc the same.
Primary research: involves the collection of data that does not already exist
Secondary research: involves the summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing research
Quanitative anaylsis: analysing research in terms of quality
Qualitative anaysis: analysing research in terms of quantity
EVALUATION - editing and filming process
We added in the last shots but we had to cut some out as we wanted to keep our trailer as short as possible as we think it will add mystery to it. Also teaser trailers are generally very short!
We then changed the colour contrast of the shots as they are in a flash back sequence, we were careful to make sure that we changed the contrast in the same way as the others
I am very pleased with how our trailer is turning out now that we have finished our filming. We have had problems with the editing programme such has deleting audio but we have worked hard to learn how to use the programme properly so we are able to produce to highest quality of work.
EVALUATION - Progress - filming
Thursday, 4 February 2010
EVALUATION - Trailer Logo
EVALUATION - Today's Progress
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
EVALUATION - Generic conventions

In our trailer for year 13 we have played about with the generic conventions in that we had originally planned to make our film of a hybrid genre. From the start it was intended that our trailer would be made to advertise a romantic thriller, however since then we have further developed the story line of the film (which I will post later in time) and we came to the conclusion that it lacks enough romance to be labeled a romantic thriller and it is therefore just a thriller. This could again raise the question of whether or not our trailer could still be considered postmodern, however as Rach commented in an earlier post there are other reasons which back this up, for example the fact that the trailer jumps around in time, and shows images of a dystopian future.
EVALUATION - Audience analysis

Tuesday, 2 February 2010
EVALUATION - Our Project
We feel that this gives a dream like quality to the image and makes it clearer to the audience that these are flashbacks.