Thursday 18 March 2010


We looked at Blade Runner when we were studying postmodernism so I thought it would be interesting to look at the film posters for it.
This poster shows clearly that it is of the science fiction genre, the strange buildings, flying car, bright lights and the gun Ford is holding all show this. Also the tag line shows is a genre indicator, it states: MAN HAS MADE HIS MATCH...NOW IT'S HIS PROBLEM. This insinuates that it is set in the future and has something to do with robots, it also makes the the audience assume that the female character shown is a robot and that Ford had something to do with 'making' her or controlling her etc. Harrison Ford is the main selling point of this film, his name is just as big as the title itself, the title of the film is in red which makes it stand out although the title doesn't give much away about the film.

This is another poster of the film Blade Runner, it appears on the front of the DVD cover. It shows the main characters in the film and Ford's photo is biggest and at the top, there is also another smaller image of him holding a gun. This and his name being the only one mentioned show that he is the main selling point of the film. The poster shows that it is raining where the film is set and the only light seems artificial, one side of the poster there is an icy blue light and one side is red and yellow. This could show the good and evil sides of the film however the blue looks cold and sinister which makes the red look more warm and friendly, this could be telling the audience that the film or the characters are not what they seem.


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