Friday 26 March 2010

EVALUATION - Reception Theory

The reception theory is an extension of the uses and gratifications theory. It is mainly based on how an audience responses to a text. The Dominant reading is what most people would think after seeing a text or how they would react. The Negotiated reading is when the review but think slightly different than the dominant reading but somethings are the same. The Oppositional reading is when the review thinks completely different to what the film was trying to achieve.

In our trailer the dominant reading would be: that they feel sorry for the female character, they do not trust the male character, they want to know if the female character will be okay, scared/tense when seeing the trailer

The negotiated reading would be: knows that female character is vulnerable but doesn't really relate to her, is not that wary of the male character has he has not done anything yet, not that scared.

The oppositional reading: hope that the girl gets heart, likes the male character -he is the 'good guy' finds the tense parts of the trailer funny.


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