Sunday 21 March 2010


Lucy has posted below the rough plans we have made for our poster and magazine cover which we decided in a lesson. I think these plans show clearly what we plan to do (especially as Lucy is good at art), they are also very helpful as they give us something to follow and make sure we stay on the right track. We know what we plan to do now we just need to find the right photos which express certain genre indicators for our film and make the text which will go on our magazine cover. We need to think of a tag line still, in previous posts we have put down our ideas, in our next lesson we will discuss these ideas and hopefully come up with a catching tag line with will give away the genre, parts of the narrative and which will attract an audience to come and see the film. Some magazines also have tag lines, we will have to think up a tag line for the cover too if we choose it. We may make up a film magazine name or we might use one which already exists, we are still undecided.


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