Saturday 20 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - photo analysis

As I have said in a previous post we plan to use this image for our poster. He it looking straight at the camera, this means that the audience will feel as if he is looking right at them, this will make them feel more involved with the film and understand how the female character feels. His head is tilted downwards slightly, this makes him appear in control, as if he is looking down on the audience, this pose also makes him look intimidating. On this photo there is already a shadow on the left side of his face, this is very good for us as all we have to do then is enhance it. The background is also could as we will not need to change the light side. When making the image bigger we will need to be careful that the image does not become blurry.

As I have suggested below the second image is a possibility for our magazine front cover, also we like the third image, we will do some more research and the decide which image we think will look most effective on a magazine front cover. The costume our actor is wearing is good as although it doesn't relate much to the film it 'speaks' Hollywood to an audience.

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