Tuesday 23 March 2010


This is a rough outline of what we plan to do with out magazine front cover, we would like to have the title at the top and we think that Empire is the perfect title to choose as it is a bright colour so will stand out from the mainly black and white image. We will make the top of Raf's head go behind the title but as I said this is just a rough outline. We might change to background to grey but we have not decided yet. To the right of the image we will have text which relates to the image, this may mention an interview or the films nominations - this would link it with the characters costume. To the left would be text about what else will be featured in the magazine, we plan to mention three other films and might include articles about, for example top 25 films of the year or a competition. Underneath this will will have one or two small images relating to the films above. Lastly we will put a bar code on the cover and maybe a price under the title.

I think when this is finished it will look very effective and professional.


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