Friday 26 March 2010

EVALUATION - What we did today

We went to work on our poster and magazine cover in one of our free periods and also at lunch time.

Firstly we chose what font to have our actors names in, we chose two very simple fonts, one for their first names and one for their surnames, we also put their surnames in capitals to make them stand out, we have found that having the surname bigger than the first name is a common characteristic as, for famous actors, their fans will recognise their surnames straight away. Choosing were to put the names was harder as our actor has a long surname and his name had to be in black but it meant that put of it was black out because it overlapped with his hair. We could not make the font any smaller as it was already on the smallest. This is another problem we occurred because we can not make our image larger. We decided to have Jen's name in the top right hand corner in white and Raf's name just above the knife (middle to bottom left) we liked this idea as it looked as if Raf's name was hiding in the shadow. This would give the audience clues to what his character is like. His name is also closest to the knife, this would also hint to the audience that he is the 'bad guy' of the film. I think we did really well with this idea as we have turned a problem into a positive part of our poster.

We then spent a while getting the right font, size colour and positioning of the title Runaway. We ended up choosing a rusty red colour as we thought it looked like blood. The font we chose what slanted like the font was in the thriller, it also looked a bit creep especially as the 'y' looked like blood dripping. We played around with the positioning but ended up having the title in the middle of the knife, the 'Run' was on the black handle and the 'away' was on the knife blade. Under the credits we put '2011' to tell the audience when the film will be released, this is also in red.

We then chose our tag line, we had a lot to choose from but we narrowed it down to four and then down to two, these two were:

Walking the knife's edge
Stop. You die. Move. He'll see you.

We ended up picking the second one and we liked the impacted of the full stops and how it gives the audience incite to how trapped the character would feel: is she stops running he will kill her, but if she keeps running the he will see her and then the chase will begin. I also liked how 'He'll' looked like hell at a first glance. I think this tag line works very well with our title and the general narrative of the film. We chose a simple font and put it in white so it would stand out, we placed it just under the knife and above the credits.

We then moved onto the magazine cover, we may go back to the poster but we thought we should start the cover first. We changed the original image that we were going to use as it was too big if we wanted the title 'Empire' to go behind it. So we used the same image that we used for the poster but this time kept it full length. We added the empire logo behind it and wrote out a date and price and put these above the 'M' which we have seen is a feature in the real empire magazine. We had added text to the left side and text about our film to the right, we have also added in a bar code under the title and another image at the bottom. We will probable change the text and play around with colours and font to make it look the most professional. We plan to add on a 'sticker' this is a coloured circle with something on it mainly something like 'top 25 films of the year' or a competition. At the moment our poster and magazine only use the colours black red and white so I would like to have the sticker in a bright yellow or just a different colour.

I think we are working well and I am pleased with what we have done so far.


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