Thursday 18 March 2010


These are posters for the film 39 steps, the first 3 are cinematic posters, the next one is a cartoon promotional poster and the last two are modern posters-one being for the stage show and one being for the BBC's adaptation.
This poster shows a full length shot of the two main characters, he has his hand over her mouth and it is obvious that they are handcuffed to each other by the way their hands are positioned. He looks serious as if he is listening out for something and she looks annoyed, these things give away some genre indicators, the audience can assume the film has something to do with crime and that the main characters are running away from something or someone. The background is red with a yellow strip cutting through it, this looks almost like a search light and therefore backs up the other genre indicators. At the top there is a tag line: Handcuffed to the girl who double crossed him. This tells the audience that she will betray him at some point in the film. To the right of the pictures there is some smaller writing - this states: The 'Marine Cristo' here...The MAN who put the MAN is roMANce... This tells the audience that the narrative will also be about romance. There is then a black box with the actors names, the title of the film and the credits in it. The yellow strip goes over the box as well, it highlights the actors name so we can assume he is the name character. Underneath the box is another 'tag line' or promotional saying: A hundred steps ahead of every other picture this year. This is clever as it is using the title of the film to say it is better than the other movies.

This is another poster, is has two picture of the main two characters, each time they are together, one shows them in a side profile smiling this could show the romantic part of the film ,the other shows then leaning away from something, this could show the crime/drama/thriller part of the film. The actors surnames are bigger than the film title showing that they are the main selling point of the film. At the very bottom other actors names are shown also Hitchcock is mentioned along with the films production company.

The layout of the names of the director, other actors and production company is much the same in this poster as it was in the one above. There are again two pictures of the main characters, one showing the romantic side and one showing the thriller side of the film. The background of the poster looks like a sun set and the title is written in a 3D font like it is in the other posters. The actors names are also very large.
This is a cartoon poster that shows the main character escaping from or trying to get into a train. Hitchcock is mentioned as a main selling point and also what the film is based on. The person holding out a drink tells the audience that the main character is middle-upper class and well respected or at least he was. The incoming train shows the dangerous side of the film as well has the characters hat being on the tracks. The character looks scared but he still has time to smoke and drink which shows he could be kind of like a James Bond character, charming but always getting into trouble.

This is a poster of the Westend play '39 Steps'

this is a poster for the BBC drama realised in 2008 of 30 Steps.

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