Wednesday 24 March 2010

EVALUATION - Production progress

Yesterday we spent several hours starting of the editing of our Poster. We started by transferring the image of Raf which we had selected into Adobe photoshop before we began experimenting with it. As we already had our plans of what we were hoping it would look like it was not difficult to transfer them to the screen. However, each point takes much discussion as we wanted to ensure that we would all be happy with the final product. We are therefore spending a lot of time making the poster and have so far only managed to construct the skeleton of the poster without adding n any final modifications. We have successfully managed to darken one side of the characters face using bother the blurring and darkening/burn tools, and have also managed to adjust the background to the desired amount of shading in order to have half of the poster light and half dark as we had planned, for this we used the gradient tool. This however, took a lot longer than we had planned as we wanted to be very precise about how the overall effect would look.
Secondly we decided to edit the knife into the shot. This process went well however we had to scrap our original plan to have a glisten on blood along the blade, after making several attempts at it we eventually gave it up as a lost cause as, each effect we tried was unsuccessful at giving the desired effect and it looked better without. However, if we had more time to complete this project we would certainly spend longer over finding the right tool and following our original plan.
We then added in the credits at the bottom of the screen, using an image from Google to add in at the bottom to match the dark background of the poster, we had already decided that the background should be black and the text white. We then added in the names of the actor and actress in the top left and right hand corners, Raf's in black on the light side, and Jen's in white on the dark side. During free periods and time after school over the next two weeks we plan to make the finishing touches and complete the magazine cover.
We encountered several problems whilst constructing the poster. One, as i mentioned above, was that we had to change our original ides of adding a glisten of red to the knife edge. Another was that the image which we had chosen was only a certain size and, as we wished to cut it down dramatically, the final image had to remain very small as if we were to stretch it it would become pixalated. This means that our poster will be a lot smaller than we anticipated. However we do not need to print the poster so this should not become an issue, we will just need to ensure that it is readable and clear when printed on the blog, I believe we should do this be taking a print screen of the poster whilst we are zoomed in on photoshop, so we can paste this image onto the blog effectively. We had also planned to edit our the bow tie which he is wearing, as we did not think it was in-keeping with the genre of our film. However, using the darkening tool to do this had a strange effect on the image, and blurring it reduced the overall quality of the poster. We over came this issue by concluding to cut the image off slightly higher than originally planned, and using the gradient darkening tool to fade out the remainder of the bow tie into darkness. This gives an overall polished effect and we were all pleased with the result. We are looking forward to our next editing session.
Lucy :)

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