Friday 19 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Chicago Film Poster Analysis

This is a poster for a musical film. This genre is represented by the costume which the actors are wearing in this poster. The two girls are wearing similar costumes, tight, sequin dresses with tassels at the bottom, and fish-net tights. This can be a sex appeal to get men to watch this film, known as the 'male gaze' where they believe women are there to be looked at and the men love looking at them (scopophilia). They are both portrayed as sassy as they have their backs turned, legs wide apart in their stance, looking over their shoulders. They are holding guns behind their backs, indicating to the audience that they have been in trouble. The man is stood in the middle of these two girls, facing them and looking directly at the audience. He is wearing a very smart suit. The way which these three characters are positions looks very showbiz.

They are standing in front of a big lite up sign of a 'C', which stands for the name of the film 'Chicago'. It is lite up in red and orange colours showing it is hot and dangerous, which can hint to the audience that the storyline encounters danger, competition and crime. It is positioned as through it is on a stage, with the three characters doing a performance.

The small images that are in the background show the setting of the film is in Chicago City. Underneath this iconography is a tag line which is designed to draw in the audience and give them a hint of the storyline. This is written in small red font, in key with the rest of the text on the page. The title of the film is in the largest font size and is written in black, but outlined in red, which makes it look like a sign. Again the middle C in this title stands out the most which relates the the larger C as shown behind the actors.

The names of the actors are at the top of the poster, acting as a USP as they are all well established actors with large fan bases. Although they are all at the top of the poster, they aren't all in line with one another, they are misaligned. At the Bottom of the poster are the credits of the production crew etc.

Nikki Stock

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