Friday 26 March 2010


As our poster's main image is similar to the one used on a Star trek poster I thought I would analyse them. As you can see I have found two different posters therefore I will also point out the differences.

The main part of the poster is taken up by a large image of the three main characters, tow are looking straight at the camera and one (the only female) is looking over her shoulder towards the camera. The image fades into what looks like a space ship and a city sky line, there is then a long road with a man riding a motorcycle on it. There is then the words STAR TREK in a bold silver font, under this is the tag line: HE FUTURE BEGINS. These tell clearly the genre of the film, star trek has been around for a while and is very successful therefore the poster doesn't need to give away a lot about narrative or even about genre as it is so well known. However the space ship, the tag line and the familiar looking character (on the right) give away that it is a sci fi film. The poster is very blue and silver this again could be showing a sci fi, futuristic theme. The words coming soon are in bold and underneath it says that the film will be shown in the imax, therefore the audience knows that this film will be big.

This is another poster for the film Star trek, all of the text is in the same place and says the same thing as it did in the previous poster. Three characters are again shown, the order in size probable shows how big their part is in the film with the leading role being the biggest. The triangle shaped lines show that the film is set in space, either side on the lines at the top are two eyes - this person looks angry this could be telling the audience that the main characters are in danger. A space ship is also shown -this shows the genre of the film, the space ships however look as if they are fighting this shows that the film will be an action film as well as a sci fi.


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