Friday 19 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - What we did today

In today's lesson we planned our film poster and our magazine front cover, as shown is previous posts where we plan to put the actors names, images, title, tag line and credits. We plan to use an image of our male character as the main focus point for our poster. We got inspiration from the Star trek poster (Chris Pine), but looking more evil and menacing. We plan to split the image into one light and a dark side to show the good and evil sides of the character. We wanted to have him hold a knife over his face to show the films genre. At the moment we are looking through which photos we are going to choose.

This is an example of the Star trek poster we took inspiration from.

Also I thought this poster showed some similar aspects to what we are trying to achieve with the light and dark concept.
This is an example of the knife we are planning to use in the poster.


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