Friday 26 March 2010

EVALUATION - Today's progress

Today we continued to edit our film poster and magazine cover and we have FINALLY finished the poster! :D We shall post it on the blog at some point next week along with the magazine cover once we have finished both.

We have moved the actors name down the poster slightly, as we discovered we couldn't fit it in at the top at the size we wanted without it overlapping the image. However, as though this is not what we originally planned it does look very effective, as the names are now on different levels, reflecting the characters unbalanced relationship. We also added in the title, the tag line and the release date.

For the magazine cover we have now added in the main image and have decided to use the same image as we used on the poster from a wider angle. As the one we originally planned to use did not fit in with the title as we wanted it to overlap, covering the centre of the word "Empire" however, had we used the original photo it would have obscured most of the letters. We have also added in the sub-titles down the side of the page (however we have not yet settled on a font) and have also put in the bar code. Next lesson we plan to add in a red button showing an advertisement, as is featured on many of the Empire magazines, we either plan to use one from an image on google, or create one ourselves using "paint", whichever turns out looking the most effective. We have also added in the price and release date of the magazine framed in the M of "Empire", and have placed the caption of our film image over the characters suit.

Lucy :)

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