Monday 22 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Magazine Cover Analysis

As you can see this is a kids magazine cover. This is very different from the previous film magazines analysed as it has a montage of many different teen celebrities. The title of the magazine cover is in the corner and is in bright pick font to make it stand out. At the top of the magazine cover is an advertisement for 25 free posters, which can encourage the consumers to buy it. It has many pictures around the edge of the cover, with text underneath each, describing the key feature linked. There are captions in the middle of the cover describing what will be in the magazine. The bar code is in the bottom left of the magazine so it is out of the way of the main USP's. This magazine cover is full of vibrant colours, with a light blue background, yellow colour outlines some pictures at the bottom of the page, pink, blue and purple text. This makes the cover very attractive and eye-catching.

Overall, this is very different from the more adult film magazines, as it is aimed at a younger audience. Our magazine cover will be aimed at late teenagers so we have to layout our magazine and include different features to attract our audience.

Nikki Stock

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