Friday 19 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Today's progress

As Nikki mentioned below we have now finished planning our film poster. The main image of our poster is going to be of our male character, inclining his head towards the audience in an intimidating way, whilst holding a knife just below his eyes. The poster will show the names of our actor and actress at the top and the credits at the bottom, the tag line being positioned just below the title, which will be placed along the blade of the knife.
Today we finished planning our magazine cover featuring the film advertisement and have also decided on the photos which we will put in the poster and the cover, we will post these, and others which we were choosing between, on the blog.
Later on I will post some other magazine covers which we will take into account when making ours. I also plan to post a scan of the plan of our poster and also our magazine cover.
Lucy :)

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