Sunday, 21 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Analysis of Empire Magazine cover ... Lord of the Rings

This is a good example of an Empire magazine cover, as it holds the same format of title and image. The image takes up the majority of the page in order to draw the audiences attention to the main feature. The way in which the character serenely surveys the audience without expression or reaction could be an indication of the characters nature and also the nature of the film. However the fact that he is holding a weapon contradicts this, suggesting that it is only his character which is represented by this and so the narrative of the film may be more dramatic. His costume design is also an indication of genre, as he has a suggestion of fantasy about him. This and the prop are also a suggestion of the time period in which the film is set, as swords are now a redundant weapon against modern technology. The bar code has been moved to the side of the page from its usual positioning at the bottom, in order to allow room for a caption at the foot of the page to be shown in a larger font. The titles down the side are shown in alternate colours of red and black to make them more striking to make them stand out against the beige background. The caption for the image is shown circles in a yellow bubble beside it to separate it from the other articles and show what it is related to. The tag line of the magazine is again positioned below the title to show its relevance, this promotes the magazine to the reader without them even having read it. The point in the top right hand corner is highlighted in red to standout and is overlaid across the other images to add depth to the cover, as though it is a separate piece of paper. The price and release date are again shown within the title to make them clear and to relate them to the brand. The colouring of the rest of of the magazine remains beige and white in order to make the title stand out even more as red against the pale toning.

Lucy :)

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