Saturday 20 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Analysis of Empire Magazine cover ... Twilight: New Moon

The title of the magazine is again shown in the same bright red font, capitalised and large enough to fill the whole of the line. Although the title is red in every other issue it seems even more relevant in this case as it could be seen as being related to the main feature of “Twilight”. “Twilight” and “New Moon” are a vampire series and so the vibrant red could be relate to the theme of blood-shed. Although in many of the other issues the image covers a part of the title, in this one the title overlaps the image, covering part of the character, this could be because the image is so striking in itself that they thought that the title would need more re-enforcement than in others so as not to be overpowered by the surreal character. The way in which the eyes of the character are a glowing liquid gold is, on its own, very eye catching. His pale skin stands out against his dark hair and the overall effect contrasts with the dull and dark background. The captions down the sides of each page are themed in themselves which adds to the overall effect of the cover and adds to the content. For example, the Alien feature on the left hand side of the page is green in colour and has the effect of glowing slightly, representing Alien life; it also appears as though an image is coming out of the “0”. The words “the world’s biggest movie magazine” are again featured on the right hand side, and the web page of the brand on the left, helping the audience to learn even more about the features, studying them in more detail. The dark background behind the image could mirror the dark nature of the film and the danger which it contains; this is also a reference to the genre and also the target audience. The advertisement for “FREE POSTERS” along the top of the page draws attention to the magazine by displaying the word FREE in capital letters to draw the eye, this sentences also contains the names of three very well known films, causing the reader to feel a sense of familiarity which naturally they will relate with the magazine itself. The film titles down the side also make the audience aware of other features of the magazine, meaning that it the main story does not appeal to them there are others so compensate. The cross situated above these titles is also very striking against the dark background, the colour red which is used to draw it varies from other issues as it is usually portrayed in white, this, again, could be a reference to the topic of vampires and danger, adding depth to the cover with hidden meaning and denotations. The themed phrase “Fangtastic exclusive!” as opposed to “Fantastic exclusive!” is also very noticeable among the other vampire references, if anything drawing attention to the more subtle points. The title of the main feature “Twilight: New Moon” is represented in a glowing yellow colour, this could be designed to mirror his eyes, making the image all the more striking, or it could simply be to brighten up the cover, as the rest is very dark. The line below this “Edward, Bella and Jacob interviewed”, is very interesting in that they have chosen to use the character names not actors, this could be to further convince the fans that these characters are real, adding to the authenticity of the film, or it could simply be that the names of the actors are not well known enough yet to make it worth their while including them, their choice will therefore minimise confusion and maximise consumption. The smaller images of the other two characters at the foot of the page re-enforce this statement, and attract both male and female audiences. Whilst remaining large and prominent, the bar code is displayed in the bottom right hand corner of the page so as not to detract from the main feature.
Lucy :)

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