Sunday, 28 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Harry Potter Posters 4-7

This post shows the posters for the Harry Potter films 4 - 7.

This is the poster for the forth Harry Potter film. Like the others it has a blue tint to it, however this one is a lot darker than the other three. The sky is black signalling a storm is coming and the white mist around the characters shows that they are 'good' but is also adds mystery to them as if they or someone could be hiding behind the mist. The is the first poster in which more than the three many characters are shown. This could shown that in this film a lot more characters play a critical part in the film. Three of them are holding wands this suggests that there will be a lot of action in this film, also the gravestone like shadow shows that someone - possibly one of the characters shown on the poster will be dead by the end of the film. Harry in looking down on the audience suggesting that he is in control and that he is powerful this can be seen as intimidating and the audience may question whether or not Harry knows what to do with the power he has. The tag line is much the same as the last film this could suggest that they characters lives are constantly hectic and like a roller coaster but also perhaps that it adventure and disorder is the only common, reoccurring thing in there lives and that perhaps they need the drama. I think this is a very interesting film poster that will attract an audience to go and see the film.

This is the poster of the fifth Harry Potter film. Although Harry is in the centre of the poster he is not the biggest image this could suggest that he has to rely on his friends a lot in this film. This is confirmed as his two best friends are the largest images. Harry holds a wand which shows the genre of the film and also that there may be a battle in the narrative. The title is in the same familiar font which is not widely recognised, just seeing the P will tell they audience that they are looking at part of the Harry Potter brand. The white light around Harry suggests that even though he may stray a little in this film and need his friends support more that he is still 'good'. There is a date at the bottom of the poster, it is in the same font as the title; this makes it stand out. As Harry Potter is such a big film they can put the exact date it will be released as there will be a lot of people wanting to see it.

This is a poster for the sixth Harry Potter film. It shows the three main characters and the headmaster of Hogwarts, it makes sense that he is on the poster as (as many fans would of already read) this is the last film/book he is in. All four are holing there wands and have serious expressions on their faces, this shows that although the film will probably contain some humour, it is a serious film and the narrative of this film will have big effects on the final film. Not all of the title is some and as I have said above it is not even needed, the font of the letters that are shown especially the P are enough for an audience to recognise which film it is. The credits match the off balanced title - this could show that this film contains big changes and that the characters will be different - something very significant happens in this film and no one will be the same after it. The July 15 is as big as the tag line - this shows that the people making the poster don't really expect an audience to look closely at it - they expect an audience to release it is Harry Potter, look at which book it is and then check for a release date. This is very true in most cases this is why they are able to keep the posters so simple, they are still effective.

This is a teaser poster of the seventh Harry Potter film, this film is going to be split into two parts - however on this poster it doesn't say if this is a poster for part 1 or 2 so I am going to assume it is a teaser poster for the films as a whole. The film shows a forest - this could be the forest that is mentioned at Hogwarts as it is more famous for containing the unknown. This would add enigma as the audience would not know what to expect. There is a white stag which an audience will recognise as being a 'symbol' for Harry (or his father) - the white light surrounding the deer tell the audience that this deer is good and 'here to help' The tag line suggests that Harry (the stag) will be the hero in this film, the use of the word one suggested to the audience (if they didn't already know) that this is the last film as it is saying that there is 'one way' and 'one fate' which implies that everyone will find their 'destiny' in this film and that perhaps harmony will be restored after it. As this is a teaser poster not much information is given - there is a Harry Potter website at the bottom instead of a release date. I suspect that closer to the films release there will be more posters which give away more about the narrative for both parts 1 and 2.

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