Friday 26 March 2010

EVALUATION - The Reception Theory and Our trailer

Every media text has many different ways of possible interpretation. The reception theory classifies these interpretations into three different readings. The Dominant reading, the Negotiated reading and the Oppositional reading.

The Dominant reading would be for the audience to interpret a text in exactly the way in which the writer intended. For example finding a thriller film scary, or a romance romantic.

The Negotiated reading would be for the audience to see the film in the intended way but also to denoted something else from it, for example finding something amusing in the romantic scene.

The Oppositional reading would be for the audience to completely misinterpret the producers message of the film and react in a way which was not intended, for example crying in a comedy or laughing hysterically at a gory scene in a horror film.

In terms of our trailer each of these readings could easily be applied. Our film is meant to be a thriller and so its intent is to scare, if it was effective then its reading would be Dominant, if it was largely effective then it would be Negotiated, and if it was completely misinterpreted it would be Oppositional, but the way in which the film is interpreted depends entirely on the member of the audience.

Lucy :)

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