Wednesday 24 March 2010

EVALUATION - Audience and our trailer more detail - hypodermic needle theory

As I said in a previous post I am going to look at in detail the two theories we studied in class, in the last post I looked at the use and gratification theory, in this post I will look at the Hypodermic Needle Theory:

The hypodermic needle theory includes the following points:
  • That we don't choose what we want to watch, we are told what to think
  • Passive audience is inflected with ideologies
  • The audience is a passive mass who will immediately accept the presented version of events

The problem with this theory is that it doesn't take into account complex emotional responses that can occur.

This theory relates to our trailer a lot as we are telling the audience to feel a certain way towards the characters. As our trailer focuses on our female character this theory will relate most to women watching it, the shots we have used, the soundtrack and the body language/facial expressions of the character tell the audience she is frightened. The shot which is looking down on her makes her look vulnerable and the fact that the voice over is put over the top makes it seem as if the male character is looking down on her. It could also make the audience feel has if they are looking down on her and that they are more powerful than she is. This might make them feel even more sorry for her and as if they should be looking after her (males and females). This concern for her well being will persuade the audience to go and see the film as then they will know what happens to her.

However women who has been in an abusive relationship might react stronger towards our trailer than women who have not, as our trailer insinuates that it is her boyfriend who is hurting our female character. This means that some are more likely to get emotionally involved than others, women who would not be able to relate to the situation may not emphases with the character as much.


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