Saturday 20 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - film magazine front cover - empire

These two front covers are from the film magazine Empire.

Both of these covers have one main image which advertises one film. From just looking at the images without the text it is clear what genres the films are from. The James Bond poster shows a man with dirt on his clothes. blood on his face and a gun in his hand. On his other hand he is wearing an expensive watch, without seeing that it is a James Bond film these things would make an audience assume that it is. The lord of the rings cover shows two main characters from the first film and then a new character is also shown. The characters costumes and the weapons they are holding show that it is a period/fantasy film which has a lot of action in it.
Each poster has a bar code and advertisement about what else is in the magazine, actors are also mentioned, DVDs videos and cinema's are also mentioned on the covers.
I think the layout of these magazine is very helpful to us as they are simple enough for us to make ours look just as professional.

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