Thursday 25 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Posters and Magazines

As you can see, from these New Moon posters they show the main character Bella, with the two leading male characters, and in the one below with the other Cullen vampires as well. This shows the audience a hint of the location from the background, and who the narrative is centralised around. The title is in the same font and the largest text on the page, as it is a USP. It is placed near the bottom of the poster, with the date underneath.

As you can see from these magazines, they are similar to the poster in the fact that they again show the main character Bella with the two main leading male characters, or with either one of them. However, the pictures are taken of the actors themselves, not them in character. As with the posters as well the actors are all looking at the camera, which engages them to the consumers looking at the magazine covers. In these pictures they are not smiling, which shows they are serious about the films they are making. For the magazine covers, the pictures of the actors dominate the covers and the title of the film is also in large text and bright font to stand out and sell the magazine as a USP.

Nikki Stock

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