Wednesday 24 March 2010

EVALUATION - Audience and our trailer more detail - gratification theory

As I send in my previous post I am going to look at the two theories we studied in class in more detail. In this post I am going to discuss the Use and Gratification Theory.

The use and gratification theory has five main points these are:
  • To be informed and educated by the film
  • To be able to identify with characters and situations
  • To be entertained by the film
  • To enable themselves to socially interact with others
  • to be able to escape from their daily troubles and woes

In our film we have tried to have relatable settings in order to make our target audience identify with our film. The everyday settings we used were, a school/university and a family home, this will also help the audience feel more emotionally involved as these places (especially at home) are places in which you should feel safe. Women will also be able to identify with our female character, this may attract them to go and see the film. The captions we have used inform the audience about the narrative of the film and the soundtrack also informs them of the genre. Our trailer is entertaining as the soundtrack and the camera shots link extremely well together and therefore as the soundtrack builds the shots get more intense, this makes the audience more on edge and attracts them to the film is they like films of the thriller genre. I think our film can distract people from their daily troubles as this female character is probably in a worse position than them so they will emphasise with her and forget their troubles :)


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