Tuesday 23 March 2010

EVALUATION - What we have done today

In today's lesson we started making our poster. We copied the image we had chosen into photo shop, however we did encounter a problem, as we had copied the image from face book the quality was not very could and the size of the image was very small, We are unable to enlarge the image without ruining the quality of the imagine. So we are having to work on it zoomed it and it will end up being a very small poster, but as we don't need to print it it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but we will need to find a way to copy it will it is zoomed in otherwise the text and the details may not show up.

We first cut the image just below the shoulders, we then darkened the right side of the image by using the 'burn' tool, are next task was to change half of the background to black (or a very dark brown). We then added a black rectangle onto the bottom of the poster and added credits onto this, we blurred the edges to make it look professional. We then cut the knife out of Nikki's original image, we cropped it and played around with having blood on it. However we could not find the right sort of blood splatter what would make it look realistic. We also used a toll call gradient colour, and with this we made it look as if light was shining from behind our main character with black fading to white on the right and grey fading to white on the left.
I am pleased with the process we have made so far, next time we hope to had in the actors names, title, tag line and release date - we will have to use the fonts and colours carefully for these. Then we can move on to the magazine front cover.

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