Friday 26 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Stardust Poster Analysis

This poster is a good example of many images superimposed on top of each other. It shows the different characters in different situations all together on the one poster. The two main characters are at the front, standing united as one. The other characters are then placed around the edge. The title of the film is the largest text on the page, in a bright, glowing yellow/gold text. Underneath this is a tag line to tell the audience a hint of the narrative and draw them into thins. At the top of the poster as a USP is three of the main actors names. At the bottom of the poster is the production company cast and crew etc. The colours of this poster are lighter at the top, then fade into darker colours at the bottom. In the middle of the poster is a bright orange sun which contrasts with the darker colours and stands out. The feel of this poster gives the audience a hint that it is a fantasy adventure film.

Nikki Stock

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