Wednesday 24 March 2010

EVALUATION - Our trailer ~ Use and Gratifications theory

  • We watch and view texts to be informed and educated...

Our trailer informs the audience of the narrative of our film. It lets the audience know the genre of the film and so also the target audience. This helps the audience to know if it is the right film for them. The trailer also tells the audience about the characters, their backgrounds, feelings and emotions, and also the story which they are about to tell. Our teaser represents our characters as stereotypes, helping the audience to easily understand them and relate to their situations.

  • To identify with characters and situations...

Depending on the person our trailer can be related to in many different ways. For example we have included both male and female leads to appeal to both genders, and have put them in relateable situations. The setting of the film is easily representative of the audiences homes, as we purposefully set it in a typical family home. We also ensured that we included a setting of a school/university as well to make it more varied and just as identifiable to anyone who could not relate to the family home situation.

  • To be entertained...

This feature entirely depends on the audience member. However since our trailer is specifically tailored for an audience who will enjoy thrillers we hope that this will be the only people watching, and they will therefor be entertained rather than bored/terrified.

  • To enable themselves to socially interact with others....

This is a film which can be easily enjoyed in the company of others. The story line, being slightly complex, is open for discussion and interpretation.

  • To escape from their daily troubles and woes....

The film can be enjoyable for those with a hectic lifestyle who can sit back and enjoy the narrative. It can also be enjoyed by those who also have a problem or issue as they can relate to the main character as by seeing that her trouble is worse than theirs could make them feel better and relaxed.

Lucy :)

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