Monday 22 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Details... colour scheme

For the colour scheme of our poster and magazine cover we have decided that we should keep the background of each very dark. This is because this will make the main features stand out and will draw attention to the smaller articles down the side of the page which would otherwise have blended in with the background. We are still undecided as to whether or not we will use the title of "Empire" or "Film" or whether we will simply make one up ourselves. However, if we do make a title ourselves then we will also have to come up with a tag line. The title should be displayed in vibrant and bold colours so as to ensure that it is the main focus of the page. For our Poster we plan to make the background a very dark black which will fade into the picture. This effect will hopefully make sure that the image seems more intimidating and mysterious, as part of it will be hidden and therefore be indecipherable. On the magazine cover however, since in the photo which we have chosen to use to represent our character he is wearing a black suit, we will need to make the background slightly paler in order for him to show up. We may decide to used the technique of freezing an image from the film for the setting and putting this as the background by blurring it slightly to show that he is the focus. This could also represent how our other character would see him, as she sees that the surroundings are irrelevant as her only aim is to remain focused on him. We have also discussed the idea of using a grey background around the edge of the character, possibly having a light shining from behind him to make him show up more, as used in the Harry Potter magazine cover several posts down.

Lucy :)

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