Thursday 25 March 2010

EVALUATION - Evaluation task

In class today we were filmed as we watched each others trailers and evaluated them.

We group was asked some of the following questions:
  • What was the idea's behind your film?

  • What does your marketing campaign plan to achieve?

  • Who is your target audience and why?

  • What are the strengths of you're trailer?

Some of the questions varied slightly but they were all based around these ideas. We were filmed answering these questions. I think our group did very well answering them, we told our class that we wanted to do a thriller genre teaser trailer that had a wider audience appeal, that our target audience although mainly male (16-25) that our film would also appeal to females as we focus on our female character in the trailer. We only mentioned one strength which was our editing, but we would have liked to say a bit more of what we liked and what we found more challenging.

The class then saw our trailer, after they had watched it they were asked the following questions:

  • What was good about the mise en scene?

  • What was good about the editing?

  • What did you think was most effective?

  • What would have made the trailer better?

The questions again varied slightly but were primarily based around these ideas. The feedback we got was mainly positive as the footage will show when it is posted, some of the comments about what we could improve where that our trailer was a bit long and that it had too much of a narrative for a teaser trailer, also our class mates thought we could of shown more settings. I think these comments are very valid.

Our marketing campaign:

One of the questions shown above was about our overall marketing campaign, this includes our teaser trailer, poster and magazine front cover. I think that overall our marketing campaign will be very effective, the teaser trailer included genre and narrative indicators which will attract an audience to our film. We plan for our poster too link closely with the trailer however as we are featuring our male character instead of our female character we think this will attract a wider audience than if we just showed one of the main characters. The way we plan to feature our male character on the magazine cover will further attract an audience as we plan to make our magazine look very professional therefore one 'good' films will be mentioned in it.


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