Wednesday 17 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - Awake Film Poster Analysis

This is a thriller genre film. This is shown in this poster from the use of the black, hiding the actors full faces and creating mystery. The use of this darkness on film posters is very common in this genre. The title of the poster stands out as it is spread across the poster in a bright white colour. There are two large faces of the main characters at the top of the poster, as the main images, which are superimposed, and we cannot see their whole faces. Only half of them as the other half in in the shadow of the darkness. They are both looking in different directions, showing that lots of action will occur at once. They are placed above another image of an operation room, which is lit in a spotlight of someone on the table and three doctors/ nurses around it talking to each other.

As the USP, at the top of the poster is three of the main actors names, which encourages their fans to see their new film. At the bottom of the poster is the credits of the production company etc, underneath the title. The release date is not given, but in red it does say 'coming soon.' At the top right of the poster, written in small white font is three tag lines. They give the audience an idea about the films narrative and create curiosity for the audience, which encourages them to see the film.

Nikki Stock

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