Friday 12 March 2010

RESEARCH AND PLANNING - New moon poster analysis

Many connotations and denotations can be seen in this poster. The way in which the image has been put together in itself is extremely clever and very well thought through, there are many subtle reference to the narrative of the film.

The way in which Edward has been positioned in the foreground shows the significance of his character. Bella, shown standing behind both figures in the front is almost being restrained by Jacob to show that it is her friendship with him which is holding her back from her relationship with Edward, however the way in which her hand is reached out towards Edward shows that she wants to be with him.

The contrast of Edwards pale skin tone against Jacobs tanned skin shows the contrast of their characters, and the way in which they are stood back to back shows their dislike of each other and how separate their worlds are.
The image of the moon shown in the background is a reference to Jacobs Werewolf side, and the darkness of the forest behind them suggests a hidden evil in the near future. The mist adds to the overall mystery of the poster, suggesting that the characters have something to hide, and the expressions and body language of the characters suggest that the plot is complex and involves danger.

The title of the film is again, like the twilight poster, shown in a font which is individual to this series of films, and also starts with a lowercase letter. The release date is shown below the title in a similar font and colouring. The lack of any other information on the poster makes it much more dramatic, leaving the audience hungry for more information.

Lucy :)

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