Monday 15 March 2010

EVALUATION - Our trailer

When asked the question: 'How effective do you think your trailer has been?'

We considered 4 things; editing, genre indicators, sound and target audience. Below I am going to list what we thought of our trailer under these four titles.

Genre Indicators
  • The use of knives in our trailer - kitchen knife and pen knife
  • The tense sound track
  • Stereotypes - female victim
  • Stereotypes - male villain
  • Clothing of characters
  • Characters body language
  • Camera angles to show female character is vulnerable


  • Quick editing - fast shots - adds tension
  • The black and white fade transitions - we worked really hard to make some of the transitions (just before the flashback sequences) look like flashes of light.
  • Made sure our trailer flowed properly but still made some shots look 'edgy' and distorted to confuse and disturb the audience.


  • Soundtrack - tense music shows genre
  • Cut all sound out of most of the other shots - only soundtrack effect
  • Limited dialogue - makes the dialogue we do have more effective
  • Sound effects - door knock and phone ring - we tried to find 'freaky' sounds
  • Voice over for dramatic effect - works well over the top of 'Megan' looking scared

Target Audience

  • Clear it is not for young children (family film) as we show a knife and hint that there will be violence
  • The dialogue of the trailer (love stuff) will appeal to a female audience
  • The knife and the thriller/horror genre indicators will appeal to a male audience

In my opinion the best parts of our trailer where the flash transitions, the way we used colour contrasts and how the sound track matched perfectly with our shots - for example the music reaches its loudest point as 'Eric' takes the knife from the draw, it then cuts to being very quiet as our trailer cuts to 'Megan' coming down the stairs.


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